Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why I love my Job

Scene: A medical office in San Francisco, 2:30 in the afternoon

Characters: Old lady #1 - "Polka Dot Hat"
Old lady #2 -" Oxygen Tank"

"Polka Dot Hat" is reading the latest copy of Us Weekly. She is so intrigued because it appears that this is the first time she has laid her wise old eyes on a trashy magazine. Polka Dot Hat looks over at her friend "Oxygen Tank", who sitting clear across the waiting room with a blank look on her face.

Polka Dot Hat: (Not looking up from her magazine) "Have you heard of Lady Gaga?"
Oxygen Tank: Shakes her head, maintains the blank look on her face.
Polka Dot Hat: "I love this magazine!"
Receptionist: Stifles a laugh
End Scene

Happy Tuesday!